Friday, February 18, 2022

Five Minute Friday: STRETCH

This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday series. Five minutes of free-flow writing shared with whoever wants to read it. This week’s prompt is: STRETCH.


So, I have been behind the past few weeks, but I have finally caught up!  It would have been easy for me to just skip those weeks and just start this one.  However, I have set a goal to write each week's topic, so I wrote three in the past two days.  

That might not seem like a big deal to anyone else, but it's a HUGE stretch for me.  As I wrote in the last two, I HATE to do things half way.  It's either go big or stay home.  No pressure, but if you've got a few minutes, check out the last two entries: Achieve and Commit.

But for this post, I will just say that I have been stretched beyond recognition these past two years of the pandemic.  I barely recognize myself.  I have been more isolated, and lonely than I thought possible. And that is saying something as I'm surrounded by a husband and four kids.  It's a new kind of lonely though.  One where the rest of the world seems to have gone on but I just feel kind of stuck.  And it's not in a bad or good way, it's just an observation.

Because I was in a high risk category when I was pregnant with the twins, we had to pull back more than we would have at the start of the pandemic.  Then, when they came so early, we had to pull back even more.  When the babies finally got to come home we had to do everything we could to make sure they didn't end up back in the hospital, so we basically never left the house.

BUT!  We had a doctor's appointment today and she has cleared us to be around more people!  Not going crazy, or being in large crowds, but we get to go back to church!  I am so happy, but also a little nervous.  I'm out of practice of being around people... I have to wear real clothes and shower.  This is new territory for me!  I have to get 6 people out the door, dresssed, clean, fed and in the car to get to the church on time.

Our Virtual Sundays, with Jude out of view.

What a crazy world we live in.  Two years ago, if you had told me I would be nervous to leave my house, I would have thought YOU were crazy.  But now, I'm not so sure.



  1. well done! I enjoyed reading this. :)
    visiting from FMF24

  2. Congratulations on getting caught up on your writing! That's huge! Congratulations on your twins, and your beautiful family.

    It sounds like your missing heart connection with other women.
    Here are several thoughts:
    You could invite another Mom and children to visit you in your home and visit together; You could have dear friends from the past (maybe from different towns/season of life) that you connect with via GroupMe chat/prayers or WhatsApp group chat or Voxer.

    Connection in person isn't always possible in this season of life, but thankfully with technology, we have options. Our family (11 children) communicate via WhatsApp group chat. It's a way to keep up with each other while living in various cities, states, countries, time zones, etc. Yet keep our hearts connected.

    I also keep up with friends this way. I hope this helps you find a way to stay connected to old friends, new friends and family members. Some of them are probably feeling isolated too. And the nice thing about group chats is people can communicate any time day or night i.e. night time feeding, early morning quiet break, etc. It's a great way to stay heart connected! Blessings on you and your family!

  3. It's kind of a funny thing,
    this whole pandemic gig,
    how easily virus could bring
    something so darn big.
    Two years ago, we didn't dread
    leaving house and home,
    then we were told we might be dead
    if we chose to roam,
    and will we be the same again,
    shake another's hand,
    give a hug to stem the pain,
    and walk across the land
    without the thought we oughta ask
    if we need to wear a mask?
