Friday, December 9, 2022

Five Minute Friday: SIMPLE

This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday series. Five minutes of free-flow writing, shared with whoever wants to read it. This week’s prompt is: SIMPLE.

When did it get so complicated?

Every few days, there seems to be another event or party that we can’t miss.

November through January are always jammed packed with all the things.

I know it’s so that we can give them a magical childhood,

but good gracious.


And it’s only December 9th, (I think).

A baby in a manger.


The anticipation of the coming Christ.

A messiah sent,

born in a stable

in a barn

in the middle of nowhere.

No fanfare.

No event.

Just silence

and a baby’s first cry.

That’s what it’s always been about.

All the other stuff is fluff.

Seems like I just need some reminding.

My sweet little Angel, sheep and two spectators
at our church's Family Night in Bethleham production. 

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Five Minute Friday: REPRESENT

This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday series. Five minutes of free-flow writing, shared with whoever wants to read it. This week’s prompt is: REPRESENT.


It's funny to me how we are recognized according to certain groups.  A running joke in our marriage when we go somewhere is whether I'll be recognized as Jeff's wife or he will be recognized as Jen's husband.  It all depends on the relationship within which we are being referenced.  
It's a social experiment of sorts:
Did we meet the person at the same time?  Is one of us closer to the person?  Does it change over time when we both have known the individual for a long time?

Is it a UMHB connection?  Then I'll 100% of the time be Jeff's wife.  
If it's someone in the Hope world, he will typically be "Jen's husband".  
Haiti?  Madam Jeff, all the way.
Hope House?  Mr. Jen.

But, more often than not, I'm the wife of the easily recognizable Jeff.

I am many things, but by far, my most favorite is Jeff's wife. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Five Minute Friday: FORGET

This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday series. Five minutes of free-flow writing shared with whoever wants to read it. This week’s prompt is: Forget


We are over 10 years into this parenting journey.  Our biggest, and first love just turned ten, our middle turned six, and our littlests just turned two.

Apparently, I have kids every four years. Specifically every Election and Olympics year.  Not planned, obvs. During those four years, it is incredible how much I don't remember each stage.  When baby toys were replaced by toddler toys, it was about time to bring out the baby toys, again.  I think I haven't "put up" a single toy in the past ten years.

In between these swaps, so much was forgotten.  The lack of sleep.  The demands of feeding a baby. The isolation of gatherings, sequestered to a back room to nurse or put the baby down for a nap.  The feeling of a baby softly breathing on your neck.  The first everythings.  The uncontrollable laughing fits.

However, about the time I forget, a new love comes along to remind me just how special each stage is.


Christmas 2014

Christmas 2018

Christmas 2022