This post is part of the weekly
Five Minute Friday series. Five minutes of free-flow writing, shared with whoever wants to read it. This week’s prompt is: SPONTANEOUS.
So my goal for this year was to do every prompt given through the Five Minute Friday series. I had been doing SO WELL! I have been so impressed with myself that I have taken the time to do something "for me", even if it was just 10 minutes (ok, so I cheat a little) to get it done. I actually followed through each week! That is, until Aug 8th, also known as the week I started grad school. WOOF, is all I have to say. I am so busy with the kids, and work, and ministry, and now an extra 30 hrs a week of school work with reading, papers, assignments, tests, etc.
Have. Mercy.
So, some things have had to be put on the back burner. This blog, with the 5 empty draft posts, is right there next to my nightly Netflix binge and quality time with my husband.
I think the issue is that I really need more than 5 minutes to make this work. The words might take five to type out, but in all honesty, I have to mull over the topic for a bit before I can decide what to write. I can't think of something off the cuff like that, especially when it's going to be shared on the internet (to the three people who will actually read it).
Maybe I should be more willing to let things not be perfect and let be what will be.
Nah, probably not gonna happen. But it's nice to think about.
Either way, I'm going to get them all done before the end of the year. Somehow. Sometime.
STOP. (For real five minutes this time)