Sunday, January 23, 2022

Five Minute Friday: Possibility

 This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday series. Five minutes of free-flow writing shared with whoever wants to read it. This week’s prompt is: POSSIBILITY.


After dinner tonight, Jeff mentioned that it was 5 years ago today that my doctor told me we were in the clear. 

A 31 year old, with a four year old and a newborn, toe to toe with the C word. At 5 months pregnant, I discovered a lump in my cheek. At 6 months, I casually brought it up at an OB appt as “is this one of those weird pregnancy things that can happen some times?” Turns out its not… The next few months were tests, scans, biopsies, and a loose game plan to operate after I delivered the baby.  She was 2 months and 7 days old when they wheeled me in to the OR. 

As I was clearing our dinner table tonight and scraping eggs off our high chairs, what came to my mind was that the life we are living right now didn’t even seem like a possibility back then. We were living day by day. Unable to even see a week ahead as we held our breaths for what the next hour held. 

So much has changed since that scary season…
A job change.
A move into a home that exceeds any expectations we had for our family.
A pair of blue eyed babies.
Five years of life. 

Not just any life, but our life. 
An abundant life that has been woven by the One who held me as I held on to Him.
For dear life. 


1 comment:

  1. Jen, I am so happy for you!

    As for me... it's okay.

    The lumps are getting bigger now,
    and Lordy, there's the pain,
    and I really don't know how
    to do this all again,
    the socks so hard to cope with,
    the tying of the shoes;
    cancer's like some Star Wars Sith
    bringing more bad news,
    but Westward Ho and Yah-eh-tay,
    and give a good Banzai!,
    for all this is just the way
    that I'm gonna die,
    but as I live and as I linger,
    pancreatic cancer gets the finger.
