Friday, October 4, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Write

It's Friday... so here's my Five Minute Friday.  If you wanna join in on the fun, head over to Lisa Jo's site to link up with us!  Just type for 5 minutes and post... no stings attached or editing required.

Pretty fun you guys.

Today's topic is: Write.


I've never thought of myself as a writer...

I'm pretty scatter brained and get easily distracted.
I have tons of things going through my mind all of the time.
Most of them are completely ridiculous and I'd be mortified for ANYone to be in on the crazy inner musings of Jen.
Because, really guys, they are bizarre.

But, I've started a blog.  If you've stumbled upon me from #FMF, check out my first ever post: A blog... Seriously? to see exactly why I chose to dive in to cyber land.

But since starting this blog, I've had so much fun.  So much encouragement from friends, and even strangers, validating things that I say and think about.

So needed sometimes.

I'm only able to blog after little man has gone to bed.  But most of the time, I am DOG tired and just veg in front of the tv, next to Geraldo, who as of late, has most likely just gotten home.

When I get motivated, however, it's been a nice little hobby to have.

This writing and rambling of mine.

Hope you're enjoying it, too!


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful words from the heart, I did the same thing a couple years ago. Just had lots of stories, words and opinions on things and it feels great to get them out! :)
